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Breastfeeding by Choice
Section 1: The Real Benefits of Breastfeeding
Section 1-1 A Formula vs. Breastmilk (4:31)
Section 1-1 B Formula vs. Breastmilk continued (8:04)
Section 1-2 Breastfeeding and Disease Prevention (9:45)
Section 1-3 Economic Benefits (2:00)
Section 1-4 Other Benefits (4:19)
Section 1-5 But What Do The Critics Say? (6:47)
Breastfeeding Benefits for Mothers
Breastfeeding Benefits for Babies
Section 2: Biology of Breastfeeding
Section 2-1 Milk Production (5:30)
Section 2-2 Hormones and Lactation (3:41)
Section 2-3 A Good Latch (1:32)
Section 3: Breastfeeding Your Baby
Section 3-1 A Problems (7:53)
Section 3-1 B Problems Continued (3:15)
Section 3-2 More Problems (5:32)
Section 3-3 How do I know if my baby is getting enough? (2:36)
Section 3-4 Breastfeeding Holds (3:23)
Section 3-5 Other Helpful Hints (9:30)
Babies and Sleep
Benefits of Early Feeding
Is My Baby Getting Enough Milk?
Nutrition For Breastfeeding
Hunger Cues
Skin-to-Skin Contact and C-Sections Article
Co-Sleeping: The Controversy and the Facts
Section4: Pumping
Section 4-1 Getting Started (3:38)
Section 4-2 School and Work (3:50)
Section 4-3 Schedule (3:38)
How Pumping Works
How To Use A Breast Pump
How To Clean a Breast Pump
Hand Expression
Milk Storage
Milk Banks
Article: Military Policies by Robyn Roche-Paul
Section 5: Troubleshooting: Problems On Mom's Side
Section 5-1 Mastitis (6:22)
Section 5-2 Low Supply (5:32)
Section 5-3 Low Supply Continued (4:15)
Section 5-4 Sore/Cracked Nipples (7:26)
Section 5-5 Overactive Letdown (1:44)
Different Breast Types
Breast Infections
Blocked Ducts
Drugs and Herbs That May Reduce Milk Production
Natural Remedies for Breast Issues
Cracked/Sore Nipples
Flat/Inverted Nipples Article
Article: Hypoplasia/Insufficient Glandular Tissue by Diana Cassar-Uhl
Section 6: Troubleshooting: Problems On Baby's Side
Section 6-1 Tongue-tie/Lip-tie (6:58)
Section 6-2 GERD/Reflux (5:32)
Section 6-3 Colic (6:13)
Section 6-4 Nursing Strikes and Breast Refusal (8:17)
Section 7: The Toddler Years
Section 7-1 Why Continue? (4:28)
Section 7-2 Starting Solids (2:33)
Section 7-3 Toddler Issues (2:50)
Section 7-4 Weaning (4:12)
Infant and Toddler Nutrition
Potential Allergenic Foods for Breastfeeding Infants
Guidelines for Breastfeeding and Surgery
Section 2-3 A Good Latch
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